Tuesday 25 August 2015

Why cant guys wear make up??

So after a two day rant to close friends i am finally ready to collect my thoughts and turn this into a post . While browsing make up  and brushes online I came across a certain product of interest however the description stated 'if you are a boy ,this is a perfect gift for your girlfriend' I found so many things wrong with this statement

Why is it only boys that would have a girlfriend , could a girl not buy it for her girlfriend or a boy buy for his boyfriend ??

My main issue with the statement was that it is suggesting only females would wear makeup, this is riddiculous and it seems unworthy of response but I felt like it needs addressing.Not only are there a lot of successful male make up artists out there but more and more guys are choosing to wear make up for various reasons. 

I can only touch on why this has frustrated me because otherwise the blog would turn into a whole story but I really think companies need to be care full on what message they are sending out . I am constantly striving to get rid of stereotypes and boxes in this industry and I just feel like things like this could set us back . I'm sure no offence was meant by the company but this is just how I've taken it. Would love to hear views on this so please comment below ...not sure if i am the only one that feels this way ? 

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